We’re headed to the wildlife refuge at Mount Ainos National Park, where we’ll enjoy May’s mild weather with a hike tailored just for us.

Skipper’s notes
Kefalonia is an island that I have explored a little bit. In August of 1997 I participated as a 10 year old on my very first sailing race on an Optimist in Argostoli, Kefalonia. Years later, I visited some harbours on the northern part of the island as a flotilla skipper.
A few years ago I learned that Kefalonia passed a law to protect an area from hunting and light pollution over six decades ago! I’m looking forward to hearing more from The park’s researchers.
A little bit about Mount Ainos National Park
Mount Ainos is the highest mountain in the Ionian became a national park in 1962. The protected area stretches over 3.000 hectares, and some semi-wild horses even roam its forests!
Also, The mountain’s highest peak is called Megas Soros. Ancient Greeks used it as a sanctuary dedicated to Zeus Aeneas.
Some believe that the name Soros (Greek word meaning mound) comes from the ancient animal sacrifices offered to Zeus, whose remains would form a mound after the ceremonies. While animal sacrifices were the norm in ancient times, nowadays hunting is prohibited.
Our visit
We go hiking on Mount Ainos as part of our Mountain Wildlife Reserve Tour. That’s when we’ll enjoy a custom hike, designed for us by Outdoor Kefalonia.
This hike is another reason we’re going in May. Mount Ainos’ nature is still in full bloom, and the weather is delightfully mild, unlike the summer heat.